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This page showcases a sample of our work.
Kāinga Ora | Review of Strategies and Policies
Climate Change Commission | In-house Policy Support
Ministry for the Environment | Intensive Winter Grazing
Consumer Advocacy Council | Research and Policy Support
New Zealand Police | Submissions Analyses
Green Lab | Review of Governance Arrangements
Department of Conservation | Secondment to the Conservation Minister’s Office
Refresh of Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service Strategy
Invercargill Council | Framework for Wellbeing of Rangatahi
As part of our annual Pro Bono round, Allen + Clarke undertook to assist Invercargill City Council to build a framework for the wellbeing of rangatahi in their city.Green Lab | Governance Review
The Green Lab creates urban green spaces that support strong social connections and promote wellbeing in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Their green spaces enable community building and connect people with nature in the urban environment.Wellington Homeless Womens Trust | Literature Review
The Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust help provide a safe environment for women by providing transitional housing to wāhine struggling in Wellington.Multiple Sclerosis NZ | Standardised Privacy Policy and Procedures
Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand (MSNZ) is a non-profit organisation formed to work with member organisations to meet the needs of people with Multiple Sclerosis, their families and carers, through national leadership, advocacy, communication, and national and international collaboration. It works with 18 regional MS societies throughout Aotearoa.Veterans’ Advisory Board | A Military Kawenata for New Zealand
On behalf of the Veterans’ Advisory Board, Allen + Clarke researched how the New Zealand public perceived service people and their service impacts.Clothing and Children’s Wellbeing Evidence Brief
Oranga Tamariki introduced a Clothing Allowance as part of their support for caregivers receiving the Orphan's Benefit (OB) and Unsupported Child's Benefit (UCB).Complaints Process for the WHO Code in New Zealand
Allen + Clarke supports the Ministry of Health by administering an independent complaints process under the Code of Practice for Health Workers and the Infant Nutrition Council Code of Practice for the Market of Infant Formula.Drinking-water Subsidies Support Services
Allen + Clarke has provided secretariat and programme functions for a national drinking-water subsidy programme to assist small disadvantaged communities to improve their drinking-water.Freshwater Leaders Group | Meeting Support
The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) required minute-taking for a Freshwater Leaders Group (FLG) meeting and engaged Allen + Clarke to undertake this work.Leveraging Collaborative Value in Exports
The Ministry for Primary Industries commissioned Allen + Clarke to assess the impact of a regulatory framework on export performance.Mental Health Review Tribunal
Allen + Clarke provides secretariat services to the Mental Health Review Tribunal (the Tribunal), an independent statutory body appointed by the Minister of Health. The Tribunal helps to support and protect the rights and interests of patients subject to compulsory treatment under the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992.NZ Government | Integrity Operating Model
Allen + Clarke was engaged by a large government agency to facilitate the design of an integrity operating model (IOM).Pastoral Care Amendment Bill – Submissions Analysis
Allen + Clarke assisted the Ministry of Education in analysing submissions to the Select Committee on the Education (Pastoral Care) Bill (the Bill), introduced on 14 October 2019. The Bill addressed regulatory gaps within domestic tertiary students’ pastoral care.Public Confidence in Employment Services Research Programme
In March 2019, the new estimates measure "Level of public confidence in Employment Services" was approved. These estimates precipitated the need to develop and implement a customer-focused research programme to assess public confidence in the Employment Services (ES) branch of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and inform the development of performance measures.Minister of Tourism | Responsible Camping Research
The Minister of Tourism wanted to improve the regulatory system for freedom camping with a key focus on vehicles used for camping in New Zealand.Review of Solomon Islands Education Support
The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) contracted Allen + Clarke to review the Solomon Islands Education Support (SIES).Review of the Veterinarian’s Act 2005
Allen + Clarke undertook an independent review of the legislative framework for veterinarians and associated allied professionals on behalf of the Veterinary Council of New Zealand.Review of Unlicensed Rail Operators and Providers
Waka Kotahi engaged Allen + Clarke to review its regulation of rail participants. The objective of the review was to consider the breadth and scope of the current licensing regime.Te Rautaki o Manatū Taonga | 2021-2040 Strategic Framework
Allen + Clarke facilitated a review and the subsequent development of the Manatū Taonga Ministry of Culture and Heritage Strategic Framework 2021-2040. The strategic framework was intended to set out the Ministry’s strategic intent, clarify the outcomes for the cultural sectors, refine the Ministry’s roles and responsibilities within the sectors, and include an intervention framework.Tonga Health Design
Under the 'Pacific Reset', New Zealand supports Pacific Island countries to have strong, prosperous and resilient futures. As part of this, New Zealand is helping Tonga strengthen its health sector through a range of projects.Case studies on sports teams considering name and brand changes
Following the March 2019 Christchurch mosque attacks Allen + Clarke supported the Crusaders’ consideration of its branding by analysing the international evidence base of sports teams that had considered name and/or branding changes.Reviewing the New Zealand Burials and Cremations Act and related legislation
In 2015 the New Zealand Law Commission released its report, ‘Death, Burial and Cremation: A new law for contemporary New Zealand’. Since 2015, Allen + Clarke has been providing support to the Ministry of Health on a series of proposed legislative reforms to New Zealand’s law as it relates to death, burial, cremation, and funerals.Claims review and implementation planning
A large government department engaged us to improve the approach to assessing claims.Climate Change Leadership Research
Allen + Clarke was commissioned by New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), one of the country’s largest investment funds, to complete a discrete piece of research within a very tight timeframe that explored the question ‘What it means to be a climate change leader.’Developing a national organ donation strategy
The New Zealand Ministry of Health engaged us to undertake a strategic review of deceased organ donation and transplantation, and develop a national strategy to increase donation and transplantation rates in New Zealand.Developing a Target Operating Model
A large government agency engaged us to provide coaching and technical support to key internal staff (the staff) who were developing a Total Operating Model (TOM).Evaluating the disability support system transformation
The New Zealand Ministry of Health engaged us to evaluate the transformation of the disability support system.Evaluation of the Volunteer Network of the Prison Chaplaincy Service Aotearoa New Zealand (PCSANZ)
Under the Corrections Act 2004, every prison must ensure, insofar as is reasonable and practicable, that appropriate provision is made for the religious and spiritual needs of prisoners. The Prison Chaplaincy Service of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCSANZ) provides religious and spiritual support services in 18 prison sites across New Zealand.Kiribati Fisheries Design
In July 2019, Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to design the next phase of New Zealand’s support to Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR).Review of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors
In 2020 Allen + Clarke supported the National Library of New Zealand and the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to review the Public Lending Right (PLR) for New Zealand authors.The Himalayan Trust Quality Education Review
The Quality Education in the Solukhumbu Programme aims to ensure children of the Solukhumbu region in Nepal receive an improved quality of education through teacher training, the provision of educational materials and resources, school management training, infrastructure improvements, and the provision of scholarships for further education.Transformation of a large government agency
A large government agency engaged us to assist with its organisational transformation work.Vanuatu Tourism Evaluation
In 2019 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) commissioned Allen + Clarke to undertake an evaluation of the impacts of its Vanuatu Tourism Programme, comprised of two main components: the Vanuatu Tourism Infrastructure Project (VTIP) and the Vanuatu Tourism Assistance Programme (VTAP).The future of breast-screening: a literature review of emerging technologies in breast cancer screening
The Department of Health (Australia) contracted Allen + Clarke to undertake a horizon scan literature review to identify new and emerging technologies likely to impact population-based breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women and the BreastScreen Australia (BSA) program.After fire impacts on New Zealand communities
Allen + Clarke was part of a team commissioned by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to gain an understanding of the challenges faced by those who experience the devastating effects of fire in their journey of recovery, and to help Fire and Emergency understand how they can use this information to inform their role in supporting communities.Evaluation of the Australian Government’s Investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care through the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme
Allen + Clarke is co-designing an evaluation of the effectiveness of primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People for the Australian Government Department of Health.Breast Screening Technical Reference Group
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Australian Department of Health to provide secretariat and research services to support the Breast Screen Australia program.Heart Foundation Strategic Plan Refresh
Allen + Clarke was approached by the Heart Foundation to support a refresh of their 2015-2018 strategic plan.Improving Sporting Participation for Young People with Physical Disabilities in New Zealand: A report for the Chariot Project
As part of our 2016/17 pro-bono programme, Allen + Clarke provided a report describing the role of The Chariot Project and analysing the policy context in which it was formed.Breast density: a literature review to inform BreastScreen Australia’s position statement on breast density and screening
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Department of Health (Australia) to undertake a detailed literature review on breast density and breast cancer screening by mammography in asymptomatic women aged over 40 years.Mid-term Review of the Pacific Noncommunicable Disease Initiative, World Health Organization (2016)
The World Health Organization (WHO) contracted Allen + Clarke to undertake a mid-term review of their Pacific Noncommunicable Disease Initiative, a four-year project implemented by their Division of Pacific Technical Support with funding from New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)Support for the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction
In January 2018, the New Zealand Government launched its Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction.Technical and Secretariat Support for Expert Health Panel of Per-and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Australian Department of Health to provide secretariat and scientific services in support of the per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Expert Health Panel (the Panel).Digital breast tomosynthesis: a literature review to inform BreastScreen Australia’s position statement on the use of DBT in screening
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Department of Health (Australia) to undertake a detailed literature review on the use of digital breast tomosynthesis as a primary or adjunct screening test for the early detection of breast cancer in healthy, asymptomatic women.Wairoa District Council – Building policies review, Walking and Cycling Strategy development, and Public safety bylaw review
Allen + Clarke supported the Council to progress three discrete policy and regulatory projects.Intellectual Property policy development and strategic framework for Museum of NZ Te Papa Tongarewa
In June 2016 Te Papa Tongawera commissioned Allen + Clarke to develop a policy and a strategic framework for identifying and managing the museum’s intellectual property (IP).‘More Heart and Diabetes Checks’ Health Target Evaluation
The evaluation of the health target ‘More Heart and Diabetes Checks’, which we completed earlier this year, was recently signed off by the Minister of Health. By the time the target was achieved, more than one million CVD and diabetes checks had been completed throughout New Zealand.NZ Fire Service – Diversity in the Community vs NZFS: Understanding who is missing and why
The New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS), supported by its annual Contestable Research Fund, appointed Allen + Clarke to conduct a research project on diversity representation within the NZFS workforce. The final report can be found here:, Implementation and Delivery of Health Support Services: Dioxin and Sawmill
Like many other countries, New Zealand has had to grapple with a legacy of chemical use and contamination that has led to directly exposed populations and some contaminated sites that still pose a potential hazard to the people who live and work near them.Downtown Community Ministry – Te Hāpai Review
As part of our 2015/16 pro bono work, Allen + Clarke conducted a review for DCM (Downtown Community Ministry) in Wellington.Department of Internal Affairs – Report on Regulatory Stewardship
In July 2015 Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) to develop a report on how to best give effect to new statutory regulatory stewardship obligations.2015 Strategic and Service Planning for problem gambling
Allen + Clarke was contracted to develop the 2015 iteration of the Problem Gambling Needs Assessment and to support consultation on the Government's draft nine-year Strategic Plan and three-year Service Plan on problem gambling.Huia Pool Social benefits
Allen + Clarke worked with Hutt City Council on a joint study to estimate the economic and social value of the city's main swimming facility, using a social return on investment (SROI) style approach.Niue Health Strategic Plan
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Government of Niue to carry out a needs assessment of the Niue health sector and, based on that assessment and direct engagement with a wide range of stakeholders in the health and other sectors, draft a 10 year Strategic Plan.Evaluation of the Child Health Check Initiative (CHCI) and the Expanding Health Services Delivery Initiative (EHSDI)
Allen + Clarke undertook an evaluation of two health programmes in the Northern Territory that target remote Aboriginal communities, for the Australian Government Department of Health, over 2009-11.Secretariat Services for Disability Sector Groups
Allen + Clarke provided meeting management services to the Ministry of Health's (the Ministry) Disability Support Services contracted partners, advisory and representatives' groups.Evaluation of the implementation of a funding change by PHARMAC
Allen + Clarke was commissioned by PHARMAC to evaluate the implementation of a decision to change the funding and supply of blood glucose meters and test strips for diabetes patients. This decision had been highly controversial.Regulatory levers for quality international education
In February 2016 the Ministry of Education commissioned Allen + Clarke to undertake a review of the regulatory levers for quality in international education.Embedding a Pasifika Perspective in Careers New Zealand’s work
As part of our 2015/16 pro bono programme, Allen + Clarke developed a report and set of best practice guidelines to help better embed a Pasifika perspective in Careers New Zealand’s work and to develop and deliver more effective programmes for Pasifika communities.Sport investment work
Allen + Clarke was contracted by Sport New Zealand to provide an independent review of the Community Sport Investment process for the 2016-2020 period.MBIE CRI core funding review
In 2015/16, we provided in-house support to MBIE’s Science Policy team to assist in the review of Crown Research Institute’s (CRI) core funding.Policy capability building training
The United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) contracted Allen + Clarke over 2014 to 2015 to develop and pilot policy capability development courses for UNFPA staff in the Asia Pacific region. The courses focused on developing skills in “upstream engagement”.Drinking water subsidy programme
Allen + Clarke provides the Ministry of Health with project management, grants management, contracts management and coordination services for the drinking-water subsidy programme.National Maternity Monitoring Group
Allen + Clarke provides secretariat support for the National Maternity Monitoring Group (the NMMG).Data and statistical support for SuPERU
Superu (formerly the Families Commission) commissioned Allen + Clarke to provide data and statistical support for the development of the 2016 Families and Whanau Status Update, Superu's annual flagship publication.Workbridge Business Case
Allen + Clarke assisted Workbridge to develop a business case to source funding for their future activities.Review of the NZ Transport Agency’s Procurement Strategy
The NZ Transport Agency (Transport Agency) appointed Allen and Clarke to evaluate the effectiveness of their procurement policy and procedures.Ministry for Primary Industries – Māori Agribusiness Evaluation
The Ministry for Primary Industries contracted Allen + Clarke to undertake an evaluation of two Maori agribusiness projects.Ministry of Transport – Evaluation Framework and Evaluation of the Road User Charges (RUC) System
The Ministry of Transport engaged Allen + Clarke to produce an evaluation framework for its proposed changes to the road user charges (RUC) System.National Drinking-Water Advice and Coordination Service
Allen + Clarke leads the New Zealand Drinking-Water Advice and Coordination Service (NDWACS) on behalf of the New Zealand Ministry of Health.Salvation Army’s Street Outreach Service analysis
Allen + Clarke carried out a pro bono review in Christchurch to provide a robust analysis of how the Service is contributing to actualising the Salvation Army’s Mission of caring for people, transforming lives, and reforming society.Evaluation of the 2015 Rheumatic Fever Awareness Campaign
Allen + Clarke was contracted by the Ministry of Health to independently evaluate the 2016 Rheumatic Fever Awareness Campaign to inform improvements.Support for the psychoactive substances legislation implementation
Over 2013-14, Allen + Clarke was asked to assist the Ministry of Health with the implementation of the new Psychoactive Substances Act.Ministry of Education – School Transport System
As part of Allen + Clarke’s annual pro bono scheme, we worked with the Ministry of Education’s transport team to facilitate workshops on school transportation.Ministry of Education – Understanding and improving learning outcomes for boys: A literature review
The Ministry of Education contracted Allen + Clarke to conduct a literature review of recent domestic and international literature on teaching and learning methods that are particularly effective for boysMass media campaign evaluation
The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) commissioned Allen + Clarke to evaluate the impact of the 2015 ‘Stop Before You Start’ mass media campaign, which aimed to contribute to smokefree lifestyles among young adults in New Zealand.Development of competency guidance for District Licensing Committee members
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ), in association with the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) recently engaged Allen + Clarke to lead the development of competency guidance for District Licensing Committee members.Development of indicators for Strategies and Goals in Alzheimers New Zealand’s Dementia: A Strategic Framework
As part of our 2015/16 pro-bono programme and in consultation with Alzheimers New Zealand, Allen + Clarke developed a set of indicators as a way to begin to measure progress made against the organisation’s goals and strategies.Ministry of Education – Reading Recovery
Allen + Clarke undertook a review of the spatial and other requirements for Reading Recovery Centres for the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the existing provision of Reading Recovery Centres in a spatial context and create a spatial formula for use in future development.